
Welcome to the Liquid Culture Project, an effort in support of better drinking. On this blog you’ll find in-depth analyses on the spirits and purveyors dedicated to improving liquid culture as it returns to the distinction and skillful trade status it once held in America. My own adventures in cocktailing will complement these studies to meet my personal goal of mastering the mixological arts.

The objectives of the Liquid Culture Project are as follows:

  • Gain intimate knowledge of individual spirit categories, variations, brands, products and expressions;
  • Apply the knowledge gained during tasting and analysis in the form of kick-ass cocktails;
  • Build an ever-expanding home bar featuring more liquor than your average man would know what to do with;
  • Provide a legitimate, well-researched, encyclopedic information center for like-minded individuals; and
  • Act as a terminal for additional research and writing on each aspect covered.

I hope you’ll find in your visits here the means to leave with a new wrinkle in your brain and a new mixture in your cocktail glass. So please, make a pass, make a suggestion, make a drink!

For more information on the formula this blog follows to achieve its mission and the topics we’ve covered, see About the Monthly Focus.

If you’re looking for a unique cocktail experience for your special occasion (Orange County, Ca and surrounding areas), see Private Event Bartending.

One response to “About

  1. Hey man, I moved from Seattle to San Diego. Do you want to get together for a special LCP/Measure and Stir collaboration?

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